Reader’s Edyn

I always felt like I could do something more than just read. Finally, I have found both a creative outlet and a chance to do something meaningful with my reading. This blog was created in appreciation of and tribute to all of the authors who have brought me joy through their books. These reviews are my way of giving back to authors and providing recognition for the hard work that each one completes every day!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

JERR December 2011 Newsletter

**JERR December 2011**

I know, I know. Many of your are asking – What the heck is JERR? It is amazing to me that an erotic book review site that has been around 6 or 7 years, and has a huge following is still unknown to so many. So, for those of you who missed it, I will take a moment to explain this thing called JERR that I speak of. 

 Click on the logo to subscribe to JERR

JERR stands for Just Erotic Romance Reviews. Name pretty much says it all. Yes? The following snippet I took directly from the website so that you all can see JERR’s explanation:

Beyond Book Reviews

Just Erotic Romance Reviews is...

“First and foremost a newsletter created by readers for readers just like you. For over six years we have helped readers choose where to spend their hard earned money, by delivering a quality newsletter straight to our readers' mailboxes the first Sunday of every month. Every issue is packed with honest reviews of some of the best Erotic Romance books around.
Contests, articles on a wide variety of Erotic Romance topics and author interviews are all here to entertain and provide information on the fast growing, ever changing world of Erotic Romance.”   (quoted from

That about cover it? Not quite. Let me tell you what I like about JERR. First, let me say that I absolutely love my blog and checking in with the review blogs of fellow bloggers. You never know what new author you may discover, what awesome contest may be running, what terrific friends you may come into contact with … the possibilities are endless. I would never give up on my blog. But here is what attracts me to JERR …

With blogs, you hop around and never know what you may or may not find – unless you are searching for something specific and end up on Google, then get directed to the information you seek. JERR has eliminated much of this frustration. And let’s face it, sometimes looking at review after review can be frustrating. Instead of hoping all over the place, you receive one newsletter - once a month - with multiple reviews to check out - in one spot. Sound good? I think so! There is generally a spotlighted author, a contest, and dozens of reviews to read.

But these are not just any reviews. These are reviews from people like you and me. Some of us have our own blogs, many of us have a “real-life” before reviewing, and all of us abide by JERR’s standard to erotic reviews. If the book does not make the cut, you will not be hearing about it. This is not to say that you will find all glowing reviews. No way! But this is to confirm that you will only read reviews about erotic novels, novellas, anthologies, etc …

So what are you waiting for? Head over to JERR and subscribe! A newsletter once a month packed full of reviews in one spot! What have you got to lose?

Oh … but now you want to know why I am telling you about this? Did you figure it out? You got it! I am a JERR reviewer. And why would I do this when I have my own review blog? Because JERR changes things up for me and gives me variety. I have access to books I can review that I might not have access to otherwise. And I have a change of pace. The reviews are nothing like what I normally produce. Variety is good (for me anyway) – it keeps me on my toes and staves off boredom. 

And here is the other part of why I am telling you this information. My reviews are the property of JERR. Perfectly understandable considering I write to their requirements and they provide me with the book I review. But I cannot post my reviews on my blog. And so … once a month I will be posting on my blog – in this similar fashion, the link to the reviews I completed via JERR. Want the review faster? Subscribe to JERR. The newsletter comes out about two weeks before the reviews are loaded onto the website. *nods*

I hope you will all look into JERR. It really is a spectacular idea. And you can search the site for many reviews. Looking for thoughts on a book you are considering? Look it up on JERR. It just might be there. I am sure there is much more I could talk your ear – err … eyes .. off with *grins* but I will let you be for now. Below are the reviews I completed for JERR for the December 2011 issue. Just click on the picture to read my thoughts and see my ratings. And above all, enjoy! 

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