Reader’s Edyn

I always felt like I could do something more than just read. Finally, I have found both a creative outlet and a chance to do something meaningful with my reading. This blog was created in appreciation of and tribute to all of the authors who have brought me joy through their books. These reviews are my way of giving back to authors and providing recognition for the hard work that each one completes every day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

JERR: March 2012

 Click on the logo to subscribe to JERR

**JERR March 2012**

I know, I know. Many of your are asking – What the heck is JERR? It is amazing to me that an erotic book review site that has been around 6 or 7 years, and has a huge following is still unknown to so many. So, for those of you who missed it, I will take a moment to explain this thing called JERR that I speak of.

JERR stands for Just Erotic Romance Reviews. Name pretty much says it all. Yes? The following snippet I took directly from the website so that you all can see JERR’s explanation:

Beyond Book Reviews

Just Erotic Romance Reviews is...

“First and foremost a newsletter created by readers for readers just like you. For over six years we have helped readers choose where to spend their hard earned money, by delivering a quality newsletter straight to our readers' mailboxes the first Sunday of every month. Every issue is packed with honest reviews of some of the best Erotic Romance books around.
Contests, articles on a wide variety of Erotic Romance topics and author interviews are all here to entertain and provide information on the fast growing, ever changing world of Erotic Romance.”   (quoted from

That about cover it? Not quite. Let me tell you what I like about JERR. First, let me say that I absolutely love my blog and checking in with the review blogs of fellow bloggers. You never know what new author you may discover, what awesome contest may be running, what terrific friends you may come into contact with … the possibilities are endless. I would never give up on my blog. But here is what attracts me to JERR …

With blogs, you hop around and never know what you may or may not find – unless you are searching for something specific and end up on Google, then get directed to the information you seek. JERR has eliminated much of this frustration. And let’s face it, sometimes looking at review after review can be frustrating. Instead of hoping all over the place, you receive one newsletter - once a month - with multiple reviews to check out - in one spot. Sound good? I think so! There is generally a spotlighted author, a contest, and dozens of reviews to read.

But these are not just any reviews. These are reviews from people like you and me. Some of us have our own blogs, many of us have a “real-life” before reviewing, and all of us abide by JERR’s standard to erotic reviews. If the book does not make the cut, you will not be hearing about it. This is not to say that you will find all glowing reviews. No way! But this is to confirm that you will only read reviews about erotic novels, novellas, anthologies, etc …

So what are you waiting for? Head over to JERR and subscribe! A newsletter once a month packed full of reviews in one spot! What have you got to lose?

Oh … but now you want to know why I am telling you about this? Did you figure it out? You got it! I am a JERR reviewer. And why would I do this when I have my own review blog? Because JERR changes things up for me and gives me variety. I have access to books I can review that I might not have access to otherwise. And I have a change of pace. The reviews are nothing like what I normally produce. Variety is good (for me anyway) – it keeps me on my toes and staves off boredom. 

And here is the other part of why I am telling you this information. My reviews are the property of JERR. Perfectly understandable considering I write to their requirements and they provide me with the book I review. But I cannot post my reviews on my blog. And so … once a month I will be posting on my blog – in this similar fashion, the link to the reviews I completed via JERR. Want the review faster? Subscribe to JERR. The newsletter comes out about two weeks before the reviews are loaded onto the website. *nods*

I hope you will all look into JERR. It really is a spectacular idea. And you can search the site for many reviews. Looking for thoughts on a book you are considering? Look it up on JERR. It just might be there. I am sure there is much more I could talk your ear – err … eyes .. off with *grins* but I will let you be for now. Below are the reviews I completed for JERR for the March 2012 issue. Just click on the picture to read my thoughts and see my ratings. And above all, enjoy! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Interview and Giveaway with author Lizzy Ford

What’s up Reader’s Edyn junkees? I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a new-to-me author. Her name is Lizzy Ford and she is definitely one to watch out for. I met Lizzy on Twitter through a mutual reviewer/friend and have truly enjoyed the opportunity to get to know a little more about her. The first book I read from Lizzy is Damian’s Oracle (War of Gods, Book 1). You can click here to see my review. I finished the second book in the series, Damian’s Assassin and, ironically, just finished the review to post, then the stupid cotton pickin computer crashed and I lost everything! ARGH! Needless to say, I have to write the review again! *cries* But I WILL get the review posted. Dumb PC won’t get the best of me! But enough of my babbling, let’s let Lizzy take the spotlight right after I tell you about Damian’s Oracle!

Inspired by Slavic mythology, Damian’s Oracle is the entree into the ongoing battle between good and evil over the fate of humanity. The White God, Damian, and his Guardians protect the world from the Black God and his monsters while rescuing Naturals – humans with extraordinary paranormal gifts – from the Black God, who would kill or convert them.

Caught in the middle is cool-headed Sofia, a Natural whose gift will tip the scales in the war. Sofia begins her transformation from human into oracle, the first in thousands of years. Damian rescues her from the Black God in time to complete a ceremony that will bind her to him for eternity. Sofia struggles with her new world and her role as an oracle and Damian’s mate while haunted by a mysterious man from Damian’s past who’s supposed to be dead. Unbeknownst to her, her link to the dead man may be all that saves Damian, his Guardians, and the fate of humanity.

While he wants nothing more than for the petite beauty to take her place at his side like the oracles of legend did his White God forefathers, Damian can’t quite rationalize having to win her over instead of command her. Further complicating his life is the sobering realization that there are spies in his organization who are helping the Black God take out his Guardians. Damian must help Sofia reach her potential fast, especially when a threat from his past returns.

Buy Damian’s Oracle here:
Barnes & Noble          iTunes           Goodreads            Amazon

It is my pleasure to introduce to you:

Here is a little about Lizzy …

Lizzy Ford is the hyper-prolific author of the "Rhyn Trilogy" and "War of Gods" series, both launched in 2011, as well as multiple single title young adult fantasy and paranormal romances. Lizzy's books have reached into the bestseller lists on both Amazon US and Amazon UK in multiple categories. Through her unconventional online marketing strategies, Lizzy has gone from selling 20 books in January 2011 to around 5000 books in September 2011 and from over 7,000 free downloads of her work in January 2011 to over 40,000 downloads in September 2011.

The Lizzy Ford team consists of: Matt, IT and search engine optimization expert; Christine LePorte, freelance book editor; Dafeenah, graphics artist; and Toni, English-Spanish translator.

Lizzy is considered by most to be the ultimate writing freak of nature for her ability to write and epublish a new book every 30-45 days. She is also a regular contributor for the Curiosity Quills website and is an active member of a small guild of nine passionate, talented writers, the Indie Eclective. Lizzy's books are available from Amazon, BN, Smashwords, iBooks/iTunes, and all other eReader libraries.

And now for the moment you have all been waiting for!

*drum roll please*

Take it away Lizzy!


I’d like to thank Kendra for taking the time to review my War of Gods books!  It’s been a fun series to write, and Kendra will always be my PIW (partner-in-waffles.) J  This month, I’m also promoting my Rhyn Trilogy, another paranormal romance series I started mid-2011.  The third Rhyn book will be released this next weekend, and I have to say, I’m really excited! I’ll be releasing a special edition trilogy set along with the third book.

Hell to the yeah! PIW, baby! You know everybody be jealous! *wink* Please tell us about Damian’s Oracle.
“Damian’s Oracle” is the first in the War of Gods series and depicts how the White God (who is the leader of good on earth) meets his match, the Oracle Sofi.  It’s also depicts Sofi transforming from a normal human into an Oracle, and the struggles she faces trying to adapt to a new world and life.

I noticed that Damian’s Oracle is part of the War of Gods series. What can you tell us about the rest of the series?
There are four books in the series, and three books are out.  Each book depicts how one of four brothers finds his mates, and the unusual magic powers each of their mates possesses.  The romantic elements of the story are nestled within the larger good vs. evil battle, and each book furthers the plot of how this battle – which had been basically at a stalemate for thousands of years – is suddenly changing.

The three books already published are: “Damian’s Oracle,” “Damian’s Assassin” and “Damian’s Immortal.” The fourth book, “The Grey God,” will be out in May.  

I need to read that one still. As a reader, I had trouble assimilating the beginning of Damian’s Oracle because there was so much information provided and introduced. Characters like Damian, Jake, Czerno, Sophia; types of beings like Guardians, Naturals, Oracles; and so much more. But once I grasped who the players were and what was happening, I was enthralled. As a writer, how do you manage to keep all of these details straight?
It’s funny you mentioned how the beginning is rough! The start to the “Rhyn Trilogy” is as well. It’s a stylistic technique that people either love or hate. Basically, what I try to do is throw the reader head first into a world that already exists. There are few introductions to this world. It’s like going to a foreign country for the first time, where you have to figure out how things work, why, who people are. But the one thing that is very clear is that your visit is part of a much larger world.

It’s the same with my books. The worlds exist, and readers start out peering through the window to watch. My goal is to kidnap readers into these new worlds. By the time they’ve followed enough breadcrumbs to figure out what’s going on, they’re in the middle of the forest.

As for how I keep things apart – I don’t know. I just do. Haha! Awful answer, but I don’t have trouble keeping my world straight, maybe because it’s essentially alive in my head? I’m not sure! I guess a better answer: the demons keep track of such things! I call my muses ‘demons’ because they never leave me alone. I dream in stories, and anything I can’t explain, I just blame on the demons!

With so many books and ongoing projects, do you ever forget character names or details within your stories?
For the series, I need a refresher, just to make sure I didn’t leave myself clues in the first book that I need to exploit in the second book (which I do often.) So I’ll usually reread the preceding books in a series before I start writing the next book. Otherwise, the demons track things for me!  Ha!

LOL. What’s next for Lizzy Ford?
More writing! I have a goal of ten more books in 2012, so I’ll be holed up writing most of the year. This month, I release the third book in my other series, the Rhyn Trilogy. My readers are beating down my door for that one. I’m also entering a couple of contests this year for indie authors, too, and working on a marketing plan to take over the world. I’m no longer traditionally employed, so I’ve gotta make this writing thing work!

Here is the Rhyn Blurb:

The Rhyn Trilogy details the journey of the half-demon, Rhyn, and Katie, the human destined to be his mate.  Flawed, unapologetic and unable to control his power, Rhyn has long been considered the black sheep of his family who can do nothing right.  When forced to care for someone else for once, he struggles with his inherent weakness and his duty.  If he can’t learn to fight alongside his brothers, he’ll lose his mate. 

      Katie is immune to the magic of immortals and finds herself being pursued by demons and immortals alike, both of which want to use her.  She’s got one ally: Rhyn, whose half-demon nature impedes his ability to help her.  Together, they must carve their own paths in immortal society in the midst of a war with demons, while learning to care for one another.  

      The Rhyn Trilogy is the prequel to the Rhyn Eternal series, which launches this fall.

Ten books! Good lawd! That is an amazing goal, but if anyone can pull it off, you can. *nods* And Rhyn? I am so there! Let’s dish! Waffles. Care to expand?
I believe this is how we met, Ms. Kendra, over a Twitter discussion of just how good waffles are! Waffles are perfect in every way except one – they get cold too soon. I think someday, someone should invent a genetically altered waffle that’ll stay warm longer than a minute after it’s been out on your plate.
That said, waffles are comfort food for the body, just like books are comfort food for the soul. Someone else thought I was crazy for carrying on so many Twitter discussions about waffles, but that’s the secret waffle-book connection: they’re both a type of soul food. Waffles can be cheap and chewy, like a free Kindle book originally written on toilet paper then published as a sugary overload of porous plots and cardboard characters. Or waffles can be textured and slightly sweet, like a well-written novel that leaves you satisfied yet anticipating your next encounter.
And now, you and your readers are the first to know about this secret connection between words and waffles. Guard this secret well. (Or tweet me about waffles and know you are now some of the few who know the secret!) 

Secret connections involving waffles … Who knew? You all should feel privileged that Ms. Ford let us in on this awesomesauce secret. How do you keep in contact with your readers?
Anyway I can. I receive tons of comments on my website, email, Facebook and some through Twitter Goodreads, G+, etc. My goal last year was to set up an online presence in as many places as I could, so people could find me. Then, when someone contacted me, I just tried to respond back soon. I welcome feedback (good and bad), and readers have helped me improve my writing quite a bit over a very short time period.

When did you begin your journey as an author and what pulled you in the direction of writing?
I’ve always felt drawn to writing. I think some people are born with a pull in a certain direction, and this is the direction I was pulled in. I’ve written since I was in the third grade, though I never understood my calling until a couple of years later. I finished my first novel in the seventh grade. It was awful! I wish I could find it, though, because I bet it would make me laugh!
I’ve always known I was meant to be a writer. I floundered on my path in life until 2011, when everything on the personal side of my life came to a head, and I had to make some really hard choices. I chose to leave the path I was on to do what I’d dreamed of doing.

Well, it seems to have been a good choice if the War of Gods series is any indication. What are you reading now? Any favorites you tend to go back to?
Right now, I’m getting ready to read a book on dieting, because the downside to waffles is um, weight gain. Haha! My all time favorite book, though, is “Pride and Prejudice,” and I make a point to reread it at least once a year. I always find something new with that book, and it fascinates me to continue discovering a nuance I missed the first few million times I read it!

Was there something in particular that gave you the idea for this book (series)?
I get a lot of my ideas from dreams. People, places, bizarre events – I dream about them, then I let the demons do what they will and put some sense behind the dreamland-type of occurrences.  Eventually, I find either a new story in those dreams or I develop scenes that can be added to one of my stories.

Even working when you are sleeping. Do you even know the meaning of the word rest? Any advice you’d like to share for aspiring writers?
It takes both talent and will to make a living at this, but it can be done. One of the things I tell people (that’s not to popular!) is not to listen to Those Who Think They Know Better. There are a lot of people who will tell you what success is in the industry, and they’ll tell you what they think you’re doing wrong at the drop of a hat. Ignore these people. Surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. The people with the most to say are often the ones who don’t say much of anything in the public forums with all the other preachers.

Great advice! What is one thing you know now that you wish you had known when you first started writing?
I guess this is a twofold answer: I wish I had known not to waste 10+ years trying to get an agent or publisher AND I wish the capability to electronically publish (to Amazon et al) had been around while I was wasting my time trying to find an agent or publisher. I’ve been told I’m fortunate that I was never given the time of day by anyone in the industry for 10+ years, because I might’ve lost my desire to keep writing if I had realized too soon I could never become a fulltime writer, which has always been my dream. So, I’ve learned to look upon even the 10+ years in a more positive light. Some things in life happen for a reason, and I’m ecstatic to be a fulltime writer now!

I think that everything in life happens for a reason. Good and bad. You just have to be willing to “see” it. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and who would you meet?
I’ve been watching the “Ancient Aliens” series on the History Channel. This answer will probably change for me, but I think I’d go back to the time of the Sumerians, just to see what life was like 5,000+ years ago. I’m not sure who I’d want to meet, but I think it would be a fascinating time to be alive and to see exactly how advanced those types of civilizations really were. 

Good choice! Salty or Sweet?

What is your favorite drink?
Right now, it’s a caramel brulee latte from Starbucks. 

YUM! Opposites: 1 thing that never fails to make you happy and one thing that never fails to make you see red.
Happy: my bulldog
Seeing red: people who take advantage of others. 

Right? What’s up with taking advantage!?!?!? Just saw the worst case of it the last couple of weeks. I was livid. Not cool! E-reader or Paperback?
Although I write books for Kindles and other ereaders, I still love the feel of a paperback! My husband has a Kindle, and I have my collection of paperbacks.

Absofrickinloutely! Do you have any hidden talents?
I make a mean batch of caramels.

I must try these caramels you speak of! Who is your favorite fictional character ever?
Elizabeth from “Pride and Prejudice”

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Extreme introvert! People are surprised to learn that after talking to me via my website or other online medium, but I try not to leave my little cave at home, if I can, and I’m shy and tend to fumble around verbally in person.

Me too! I could hole up in my house and read and never leave and love life. DH – complete opposite! He doesn’t get this part of me. But you would! Random Thought:
I need to find more fleurons for my other books. 

Favorite meal?
Breakfast! I love quiche!

I should have seen the breakfast answer coming. But, OMG! Seriously, I have tears running down my face right now. Waffles! ROFLMAO! Is she fantabulous, or what? How can you not want to read work from an author as awesome as Lizzy? At the very least, how can you not want to just give her a try and see if you click with her unique writing style? Well, I am here to give you the opportunity! To ALL of our commenters, Lizzy Ford is offering both Damian’s Oracle AND Katie’s Hellion for FREE! Yes, both of the first books in both series for FREE! Weeeeee! That’s right, your own copy to read on your Kindle or Nook or whatever. *loud applause* I know, you are all thrilled and humbled by her awesomeness! *keep the applause coming* So here are the rules:


Simply fill out the rafflecopter form below. Once you complete the few required entries, you will have 2 more entries with the links to download the books for free. Easy peasy! Just click on the link and download the books!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
That’s it! So go forth and comment! You know you want to talk waffles and books! It’s WIN! I leave you now with the details of The Rhyn Trilogy and an excerpt.

(adult content)

       Rhyn went straight to the castle’s basement, where the body of his father had been kept. He pushed off his hood as he entered what had been the most sacred chamber of the immortals.
       The coffin was gone, but the mutilated body of his demoness mother remained on display on the far wall. He stood before it, just as he had less than a week before. This time, he felt something towards the decapitated creature: hatred. She’d made him what he was, a disaster no one could fix except for a dead human.
       “The preferred fate for any demon,” a woman’s voice said.
       Rhyn tensed, guessing who it was without turning. He felt Death’s cool presence, the same coolness that preceded Gabriel’s visits.
       “And half-demon,” Death added.
       “I welcome it,” Rhyn replied, facing the small woman with flowing white hair and gown. “What the fuck do you want?”
       “I came to see what was worthy of the attention of my best assassin,” Death said and looked him over. “I see nothing but Gabriel’s human weakness for a creature he should’ve let die-dead.”
       “Funny – he was right about you. You’re the cold bitch he said you were.”
       She frowned, a ripple of something else crossing her pale features.
       “Don’t like that, do you,” Rhyn said. “I’ll ask you again. What do you want?”
       “I came to warn you. You cannot destroy this place before four days have passed.”
       “Why not?”
       “You simply cannot.”
       “I don’t give a shit about your agenda. Tell me why it matters to me.”
       “I can make you dead-dead right now,” she reminded him.
       “I won’t fight you,” Rhyn replied and flung open his arms, giving her his whole body as a target. “Kill me. Do me, you, and everyone else a favor!”
       She stared at him.
       “I got nothing to lose.”
       “There’s Toby,” she said.
       “He means more to you than me.”
       “You mean the assassin you sent to kill my mate?” he asked with a snort. ”Not sure we can be friends after that.”
       “Already dead. And you can have my brothers right now. I’ll give you the order I prefer you to kill them in,” Rhyn said.
       “There are factors at play I cannot share with you,” Death said. “You would risk destroying this world and every human in it?”
       Rhyn smiled.
       “Of course. You’re a half-demon. It is not in your nature to care for anything beyond you,” she said, frown deepening.
       “You took everything I cared about,” he growled. “If I can destroy everything to spite you, I will.”
       “I am not your enemy!”
       “I don’t care.” His anger growing at the petite woman who’d taken Andre, Katie and Gabe from him, Rhyn stalked towards the door.
       “Then I will grant you a favor.”
       He stopped at her words, surprised.
       “One favor from a deity of unimaginable power,” she said. “In exchange for four days.”
       “Katie,” he said instantly.
       “Done,” she replied just as fast.
       Rhyn turned to face her. “Alive, not her body or pieces of her or anything twisted.”
       “She will be as she was before she walked into the ocean.”
       Speechless, Rhyn’s heart flip-flopped at the prospect of seeing his mate again.
       “Do we have a deal?” Death asked.
       “Yes,” he forced himself to say. “But if you trick me, if the fourth day comes and Katie isn’t alive, I’ll wipe out everything and hunt you down.”

Until next time readers …

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Review: The Half-Breed Vampire (Sons of Midnight, Book 3) by Theresa Meyers

Title: The Half-Breed Vampire
         (Sons of Midnight, Book 3)
Author: Theresa Meyers
Release Date: February 21, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin (Nocturne)
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Contemporary
Format: Digital/Paperback
Website: Theresa Meyers

Book Blurb:

Ignorant of his true heritage, half-breed Slade Donovan is fated to feel like an outsider among his clan. Until a mysterious woman arrives with the ability to unlock his secrets—and make him crave a future he never believed he could have….

As a game warden, Raina Ravenwing has only one mission in the Cascade Mountains: to hunt down a pack of rare wolves that is terrorizing her tribe. Her instant attraction to Slade is a distraction the beautiful wolf whisperer can't afford, unless she agrees to let him help her. Yet working so closely together only intensifies their passion…even as the unfolding truth of Slade's identity threatens everything Raina holds sacred.

Book Excerpt: (taken from Ms. Meyers website)

        Total bliss only lasted four hours.
        Hey, Donovan. You got a visitor. The sound of his commander, Achilles Stefano's voice echoed in his head, waking him from a dead sleep and leaving his ears ringing.
        Slade grimaced, turned over in his tangled sheets. Talk about lousy timing. Can it wait?
        No. Get your ass in here.
        What vampire on earth would want to speak to him at this ungodly hour? Either something was wrong, or was going to be. Slade grumbled. He grappled the sides of his sleeping spot, a double-wide grave-sized hole carved out of the gray bedrock, the black satin sheets pooling around his hips as he sat up.
        He phased himself a fresh-showered look and clean fatigues so he'd at least look presentable, then focused pulling his energy together at his core, visualizing the security room inside the clan headquarters, so he could transport.
        An image of pale green smooth walls and military issue furniture circa 1950 filled his mind, accented by the musty smell that pervaded the room despite the heat thrown off by the banks of flat-screen computers. A pull, centered at his navel yanked him by the balls inside out as he transported from his position in the Cascade Mountains to the complex system of passages and rooms fifty feet below the asphalt streets and buildings of Seattle.
        The minute his particles knit back together he could see exactly why the hour was so damn late, or rather so damn early. His visitor wasn't a vampire. It was the woman from the woods, only now she was in full uniform for a state police officer - a pair of olive green pants, a short-sleeved khaki shirt with matching olive green breast pocket flaps and epaulets, a standard issue gun belt, ugly black shoes, and her glorious ebony hair pulled back in a no-nonsense bun at her nape. Damn. Double Damn. The cop.
         Before being brought into the clan, he'd had his share of run-ins with the law and still felt uncomfortable around cops. Even pretty, strawberry-scented ones. He glanced at Achilles. His commander was one-hundred-percent pure golden Spartan warrior, but his modern military-short hair cut was starting to grow out. His hard jaw didn't flex in a smile, but the wicked twinkle in his unnaturally green eyes said he knew something about this woman Slade didn't.
        Slade shifted, crossing his arms over his chest, forcing himself not to wince at the sharp sting in his ribs that were still a little tender. "Can I help you?"
        She extended a slender hand. Her nails were short and mostly clean, only a few had fine traces of dirt underneath.
        "I'm Raina Ravenwing, Mr. Blackwolf." She said smoothly, extending her hand. There was no sign of recognition in her dark brown eyes. "Fish and Wildlife Officer with the state wildlife department." She clarified, just in case the emblem on her sleeve didn't do the job.
        He stared at her hand but didn't take it, and she let it drop. "Sorry, wrong guy. Last name's Donovan. If that's it, I'm out of here." He turned on his heel, giving her his back as he headed for the door.
        "So you go by your mother's maiden name?"
        That stopped him cold. His mother's maiden name? He didn't know whose name it was, let alone why he'd used it for as long as he could remember. The only glimpse of his mother - at least he thought it was her - were distorted slow-motion images he saw in his daymares.
        Dark hair, wide brown-sugar eyes. A wide-generous mouth, which smiled one moment and screamed the next. A wash of red blood and the howl of wolves.
        To think Officer Raina Ravenwing knew something about him that he didn't even know about himself rankled. He turned slowly, facing her once more. "Couldn't tell you. Don't know."
        The petite woman widened her stance, pulled her shoulders back and stiffened her spine. "Well, Mr. Donovan, I've been told you're a wolf expert of sorts." Her gaze flicked to Achilles briefly, disbelief evident in the firm set of her generous mouth.
        The dark hairs prickled all along Slade's arm. Somehow, gut deep, he knew she wasn't here to talk about just wolves. "I guess."
        "Don't let him fool you Officer Ravenwing. There's not another vampire who can track better than Donovan." It was true. Slade's senses were more finely tuned than most of the other vamps in the clan. That's why he'd been tapped to be in the security detail by the commander himself. While his technical specialty was explosives, tracking came in a close second. Very close.
        She stuck her chin out a bit, almost daring him. "What do you know about unusually large wolves in our area?"
        Slade brushed at the slowly healing cut at his scalp line. Good. She didn't remember a thing. Weres weren't something you talked about in polite vampire society, let alone with mortals. They were less than mortal. A cruel joke of the gods. A cross between an unpredictable animal and an unsympathetic mortal.
        "There've been reports of some rather unusual wolves causing trouble in the edges of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area. The people are getting lathered up about it and ready to go on a wolf hunt."
        "So let them."
        Her eyes narrowed. She crossed her arms over her chest, making her B-cup breasts jut out enticingly. At least he thought they were B-cups. They might be just a shade larger, but he wouldn't be able to tell unless he got his hands on them.
        Whoa. Where had that come from? Slade flexed his fingers, reigning in his wayward thoughts. She wasn't even his type. Of course, who the hell did he think he was kidding? Female was his type. It was police officer that wasn't.
        "My job as a Game Warden, Mr. Donovan, is to protect these animals and enforce the laws in this state. The fact that they've returned at all and may be migrants from the reestablished packs in Idaho or Montana is significant enough. They're an important part of our ecosystem and until I find out who or what is really behind these attacks, I'm doing my best not to let anyone near those wolves."
        The scrape on his scalp was beginning to itch like holy hell and he wasn't really interested in her long-winded eco lecture. "Lady, the wolves aren't in any danger. If you want my advice, you'd do better to worry about keeping people away from them."
        "It's Officer Ravenwing, Mr. Donovan, and that's about what I expected from a vampire." She said the last word with such distain that Slade could smell the sulfur of it like rotten eggs tainting the air.
         Achilles stepped closer placing a huge hand on her delicate shoulder. "Officer Ravenwing, Donovan will be happy to help you with whatever you need to bring your investigation to a close."
        Slade glared at his commander. What the hell? I don't want to be anywhere near her.
        Achilles glanced back at him, his words echoing loud and clear in Slade's head. She's part of the mortals' law enforcers, so we will cooperate fully. We don't need them digging up problems with the Wenatchee Were Pack to put at our door. You'll help her or you'll be pulling day shift for the next decade. Do I make myself clear?
        Yes, what?
        Yes, sir.
        Achilles gave the game warden a nod, and she relaxed. "If you'll excuse me, Officer Ravenwing, I have another pressing matter." He grasped her free hand and lightly brushed the back of it with a brief kiss. "I'll leave you to fill Donovan in on how you want this handled."
        She gave Achilles a generous smile that pissed off Slade even more.
        She blushed slightly. "Thanks for your help."
        Achilles vanished in a swirl of dark particles as he transported from the room leaving Slade alone with the cop.
        He glared at Officer nature girl. Just because he had to help her didn't mean he had to like it. "What do you need?"
        "I need your help tracking one of them down so I can find out if they've established a new pack from the groups further east, or if they are a new breed or rare mutation. And find out what's really going on with this rash of incidents."
        Damn. Double Damn. Sure, waltz in on the Were territory and give them a 'hey, whatz up?' Why didn't she just ask him to go stake his balls to the ground and sunbathe nude? That would be less painful. Well, maybe. "So you want me to go on a nature hike with you?"
        Raina restrained herself from making a smart-ass comeback. If nothing else she was a professional. She would have preferred to have Achilles go with her. At least he could be trusted and had some respect for her badge. With Donovan it was a whole other matter.
        Everything about him shouted 'danger', from the rumble of his deep voice and dark good looks to his tiger-like topaz eyes. But it was his broad shoulders encased in black tight black t-shirt and military cut camo fatigues and wide jaw bisected by a devil-may-care dent in his chin that made him appear intriguing, which were an even greater danger to any female in sight. That was, if he'd been her type. Which he wasn't.
        Something at the edge of her mind nagged her. She'd seen him before. He'd done something horrible. But no matter how hard she concentrated it floated in her memory just out of reach.
        "It's a bit more complicated than that. There's an investigation currently underway. I need to track one down and put a locator on it."
        He glanced away, sending not so subtle uninterested signals her way. "I'm sorry am I boring you, Mr. Donovan?"
        He shook his head. "Locator. Please continue."
        Raina was slightly surprised he had actually been listening. "I need to know if there's only one, or if there are more and if so, what the pack's territory is so I can advise the state game department of potential impact on the local farmers and the game in the area."
        She didn't like the way he narrowed his eyes. The air around him swirled with a potent mixture of testosterone and wild side that were too intense to be comfortable. While his commander was at least polite, Slade Blackwolf, or Donovan, or whatever he wanted to call himself, was barely civilized.
        He reeked of bad boy, something she'd tried scrupulously to avoid since graduating the police academy. If she got close enough she could probably smell motorcycle fumes and leather on him if she tried. But she had no intention of getting that close, now or ever. Getting mixed up with a bad boy was career suicide for a cop, especially a young female cop, no matter what department she worked in.
        This was business, plain and simple. Being a game warden offered her an opportunity to help out her tribe in a practical way instead of all the hocus-pocus they kept insisting she was somehow tied to as part of their hopelessly outdated beliefs.
        From what she'd been able to discover he was her best chance at finding the elusive wolves. So far everything else she'd tried had gotten her squat. And if things went on much longer it wouldn't be just the state she'd have to deal with, the Feds would get involved since her investigation was criss-crossing areas of the Wenatchee National Forest. She needed to find those wolves. Now.
        "Sounds like a lost cause. Can't prove something's perfectly harmless when it's not."
Raina didn't like his belligerent attitude any more than his bad-boy demeanor. "Look, if you aren't capable of helping me-"
        Between one breath and the next she found herself wedged up against the wall. A hard male body too dangerously close to her own in front and the rough edges of a cold brick wall digging into her back. Power, like smoke billowing from a forest fire, rolled off of him in waves. He pinned her, his arms on either side, a lethal look in his golden eyes that was mesmerizing like a wild animal's. She'd never been this close to an actual vampire before and it scared the hell out of her.
        With an audible flick his sharp fangs appeared out of the gums just above his very normal looking teeth. His voice came out low, almost a growl. "I'm perfectly capable of doing anything you could possibly need done, Officer Ravenwing. But let's get one thing straight. You came to me. You need me. So if I tell you to jump when we're out there bushwhacking, you don't ask why, you just jump. I don't want have to explain to my commander why I came back with a dead game warden. Are we clear?"
        Rania managed to gather enough moisture in her dry mouth to swallow, but words were beyond her. All she could manage was a nod, her heart pounding so hard her pulse throbbed in her fingers and toes.
        All the resolve she'd made to keep good and gone from bad boys of any kind began to dissolve, running like heated honey through her veins. He was too close and it was too confining. She tried to push against him, her hands on his broad chest, and found herself falling forward and stumbling.
        He'd dissolved beneath her touch into nothing but smoke, then reappeared on the other side of the room, in less time than it had taken her to blink. His large hand was where hers had been a moment before, his eyes darker than before.
        His voice came out almost a growl. "Next time you touch me, it had better be because you want to."

Dialogue Highlight:

“We still need to get you cleaned up.”
He shook his head, his golden gaze dark with pain. “Cleanup can come later. Right now I need to eat if we have a hope of making it down the mountain today.”
She couldn’t help her eyes widening in response. From the throb at her temple she could tell her cut was still bleeding. “You know I’m not on the menu, right?”
A corner of his mouth lifted in a half grin that revealed the longer length of one of his fangs. “You could be—if you wanted.”
“How do they work, anyway?” Raina reached out a finger and stroked the length of his fang.
A deep rumble vibrated through Slade as he closed his eyes. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away. “Don’t. Touch. That.”
“Sensitive, huh?” she teased, but when he opened his eyes, it was her turn to gasp. His irises had turned the color of pale golden sunlight dancing on the edges of huge pupils dark with desire and need. They pulled her in, making her forget everything else around her, as if there were nothing but him and her. “You have no idea.”
“Mmm,” she murmured as her body seemed to tune itself to his touch. “Tell me.”
Slade pulled her forward until her breasts were pressed against the rock-hard expanse of his chest, and rumbled just beneath her ear, “I’ve got a better idea. How about I show you?”
“Raina,” he said softly, like a seductive whisper. “Will you let me—” he kissed her, a soft teasing kiss “—taste you?” The hungry edge to his voice went undisguised.
Even under a glamour, her own desire glowed about her, drawing him to her. “Will it hurt?” she asked, her lips brushing back and forth against his mouth in a seductive touch that made his fangs throb.
“Just the opposite.”
Raina slowly twirled the tip of her tongue over one of his fangs, in a hot silken slide that ripped through him from mouth to groin. Slade almost came apart at the seams. His erection pulsed almost as hard as his fangs in response to her. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d told her they were sensitive.
He reached for her. Raina put a hand out on his bare chest, her touch like the licking flame of a candle next to his cooler skin. “I’ve got one condition, Donovan.”
Hunger and desire were mixed in a lethal cocktail in his blood, demanding him to take what she offered. Gods, at this point he would have agreed to just about anything.
“You can taste me as long as you keep your hands to yourself.”
Words were beyond him so he just nodded.
“Turn around.”
He twisted to accommodate her. His ears picked up the metallic clink of cuffs an instant before she put it on his wrist and pulled his other wrist back behind him. Deep down an old memory raged. He been cuffed at least a dozen times before he’d become a Shyeld. But he’d never done so willingly like he did now.
He could snap the cuffs as if they were a set of kid’s plastic toy cuffs if he wanted, but right now, if it made her feel better, he’d gladly put up with them. He’d do anything if she’d just let him taste her.
“You know you’re killing me, don’t you?” he said hoarsely.
Her eyes glittered with delight. “My blood, my rules.”
Raina gasped as he reached out with his mind and stroked his hands up her bare ribs, unclasping her bra and slipping it off her slender shoulders. She reached up to insure her bra was still there. Her fingers found fabric, but it didn’t stop the sensations he flooded into her consciousness.
He mentally cupped her small bare breasts in the palms of his hands, softly stroking the silky, hot weight of them until the tips were peaked and hard. Perfect B cup, just as he’d thought. At the same time he slid his hands down her bare back, grasping her bottom, and sent clever fingers to tease the soft curls at the juncture of her thighs. His mind played other
tricks, as well, allowing him to suckle her breasts as he also feathered kisses over her stomach and down the length of her spine. That was one of the advantages of being a vampire—one didn’t have to touch physically to experience all the sensation. The mind was infinite.
“Are you sure you aren’t touching me?” Raina panted, as she brushed her hands over the hard tips of her own breasts and patted herself down. “It feels like you are. And like you have several pairs of hands and maybe two or three mouths.”
Slade pulled back and gave her a wicked smile. Every sensation he gave her impacted him, as well, and he was both hot and hungry for her. He could smell the soft, subtle sweetness of her arousal and her body was trembling. “Absolutely sure,” he murmured as he kept twisting his wrist, rattling the cuffs. “See, no hands.”


So Slade is a full vampire. He was once a boy, and after a couple of years on the streets with no memory of his childhood years, he was taken in by the vampire clan. Allowed to become a Shyeld (basically part of the vampire army or security), Slade was eventually granted the gift of becoming a vampire in every way. Having nothing to lose and no hope of the type of life many dream, of, he is content with his job and happy with the only family he has ever know; the clan. But Slade is not as he seems and only a few suspect his true lineage. A lineage that could forever destroy his bond to the one thing he values – his clan. But sometimes destiny comes at a price and in those rare instances, that price reaps rewards never imagined.

At a young age Rains was chosen as the whisperer of her tribe. Other than the title, the role holds little value for Raina. She tries to live her life responsibly to avoid disappointing her tribe, but beyond all of the folklore and tales not to be believed, Raina hold little stock in the history of her tribe. Of course she loves her family and knows about her history, but to believe in all of the unlikely myths and legends would be foolish. Except last year vampires became very real when they introduced themselves to the public. One myth marked as true – is it possible that the legends of her ancestors are actually viable? Raina is not so sure until she hooks up with Slade to track a pack of wolves terrorizing an area of land. As a game warden she needs to know the pack habits, but Slade quickly disabused her of the notion that these wolves are an ordinary species.

Not only does Slade have an unknown past that is about to sucker punch him from out of nowhere, but Raina is about to discover that being the Whisperer is so much more than a simple title bestowed upon her at childhood. A title she never wanted. And in the midst of a growing passion between Slade and Raina, the past of each may be the one thing that effectively snuffs that flicker of hope for a future together.

I found this book enjoyable if a bit predictable. It wasn’t like I was sitting on the end of my chair waiting to see what would happen next. But despite the foresight into the events of the story, I felt my time was well spent. Ms. Meyers has built a world of her own. While many have created vampire and werewolf worlds, the Sons of Midnight series has it’s own unique traits. Traits such as ichor the thin, black substance that can best be described as vampire blood. Ichor is also used as a drug of sorts, given to the human security that is not vampire within the clan, but bestowing superhuman abilities within them. Pretty cool if you ask me. And for werewolves – any shifter really – you would think that the rearranging of the body into an alternate form would be somewhat gruesome. Well, Ms. Meyers includes such description without making the reader ill with the sound of cracking bone, popping joints, and squishing muscles and ligaments. *shudders* That is about as gruesome as I can handle. Horror and me no mixey! You dig?

I also liked that although Raina and Slade acknowledge their desire to be together, they are under no disillusionment that being together is in any way possible. Despite hope that it could happen, they know it can’t be. Making everything all cute and rosy without conflict is not the way I like my stories. Throwing in twists that make the inevitable seem unattainable is much more my style and The Half-Breed Vampire meets this quality I desire within my reads.

What I did not like was the lack of physical scenes between Slade and Raina. I felt like there could have been more than just the one scene. There were a few other instances that were teasers, if you will, but with the attraction between these two, I would have like to see just a bit more in the intimacy department. Complaint aside, the few scenes that were present were well written and exciting. Another problem I had was the book ended hastily. It wasn’t abrupt in the sense that I was screaming – why the hell did you end it here? But it was unexpected in the sense that there were still quite a few unanswered questions, leaving the reader to make assumptions. Questions that I hope would be addressed in the following book in the series.

Overall, The Half-Breed Vampire is an enjoyable read with creative twists on the paranormal world. As book 3 in the series, it can absolutely be read as a stand alone. As with many series books, I believe the hindsight from reading the first two books would have enhanced the read, but were not necessary to facilitate the reader’s understanding. Predictable, yet satisfying, this book is worth the read.

(PDF copy provided by Author and Bewitching Book Tours for review)

Read my interview with Ms. Meyers by clicking here!