**Heroes and Hellions Blitz**

My mother. She was a police officer all my life - so you're talking 30 years in a male-dominated career. And she excelled at it. She spent the last seven years of her career as a Major - the highest rank you can reach without being elected into position. She's used her weapon in the line of duty. She's been injured so many times I've lost count. Then, three years ago, her husband (my stepfather of 15 years) committed suicide, and she survived. No other person in my life has the strength and fortitude to match the woman who raised me. I'm infinitely proud to call her my mother. She retired just a couple weeks ago. I hope her next adventure is just as great as the first.
HEATHER MARIE ADKINS writes too much but still too little. She also has too many cats, not enough tequila, and a torrid love affair with procrastination. She is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels. Find out more at heathermarieadkins.com. Facebook | Newsletter
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend
Hell has spilled over into the real world. But thatÃs okay. NobodyÃs dead. Yet.
An uneasy truce has been found: Demons donÃt screw the world up; humans donÃt kill them. ItÃs a pretty simple set-up, kept in check by the immigration and selection process.
Kahri OÃReilly has a nice, quiet life teaching martial arts by day and sleeping with her cat by night, until a 200-year old demigod sexier-than-sin shows up to drag her to hell. Turns out, KahriÃs polite, cross-stitch obsessed mother is actually a demon who married the wrong man and fled to earth the minute the portals began to open. She just neglected to share that with Kahri.
Below the unknowing surface world, civil war is brewing. KahriÃs dad is dead, and blood bonds dictate she has to take his place. Only, the legacy he left her is a bloody one. His problemsóand his enemiesóhave suddenly become hers, and she has no idea what sheÃs doing.
Kahri is poised between the worlds, the perfect ambassador to prevent the apocalypseóas long as she doesnÃt die first.
My mother--survived melanoma and a year of hellish chemo and is still the best mother ever.
Sci-fi junkie, video game nerd, and wannabe manga artist Erin Hayes writes a lot of things. Sometimes she writes books. Find out more about her at erinhayesbooks.com. Facebook | Instagram | Newsletter

I think in some form or fashion, ALL women have the capacity bad-asses. We get up every day and show up, looking that fickle witch called Life straight in the eyes, unblinking. We wear our hearts on our sleeves, even after it's been shattered time and time again. But that doesn't stop us - we love and nurture and wear everyone else's hurts and sorrows upon our own souls like a cloak. We're fiercely loyal, to a fault, not caring about the toll on ourselves. We'll give and give every part of ourselves, often pouring from an empty cup. And we won't stop. Ever. No matter what. We relinquish control over our own bodies for nine months to an alien invader, then enjoy the feeling of a tiny T-rex rip outwards to freedom. A few hours later, we'd do it all again. Why? Because we are tough, we are brave, we are resilient. We're all bad-asses, don't you see?
USA Today bestselling author Alex Owens lives in coastal Virginia with her family, a cranky horse, seven cats and a bull-headed chocolate Lab. She exists solely on caffeine, books and cuss words-- but not always in that order. Find out more at authoralexowens.com. Facebook | Amazon | Newsletter
Trick of Shadows
When I was eleven, I killed my nanny with one blast of magic to the chest. I'd been trying to save her, not that it matters. She's still dead and I still did it.
That guilt drives me to eliminate wicked wizards, track werewolves through snowstorms (while freezing my coconuts off) and stomping through graveyards, blessed sword in one hand and a fifth of Fireball in the other, doing my own version of zombie whack-a-mole. It's why I'll hunt the monsters and why they'll fear the hell out of me, because I've got nothing to lose and everything to atone for.
But a girl's got to start somewhere and my first job isn't exactly off to a blazing start. I've already lost the thing I was sent to retrieve, there's a nerdy-hot guy who's all up in my business, and my fanged employer is threatening to call my vampire Mother if I don't get my act together and finish the job. Atonement sucks harder than my Mom.

I'm a rocker at heart so I'm totally going to say Cristina Scabbia of the gothic metal band Lacuna Coil. She's wicked beautiful and absolutely fierce on stage. If she can fight the way she can sing, she'd be the gal I'll stand behind. Now, if I have to pick someone I actually know, then it's my daughter. The newly-minted college freshman is absolutely kick-ass without even trying. When she was in grade school, we nick-named her "Enyo" and wow, did she live up to the name. :) She's trained in mixed martial arts, loves weaponry (she got a collapsible baton for her 17th birthday and came home from Europe with a knife collection. The rest of us got t-shirts), and can handle herself in the front stage crowd of a raucous concert. Through it all, she deals with the challenges of having bipolar II disorder. The overwhelming mood swings often threaten to derail her plans and ambitions but she manages to conquer and persevere. She puts her passion into social justice and the protection of those who can't protect themselves. She never lets her symptoms make bad choices for her and she doesn't let her chemistry beat her down. I admire her strength and her beauty and her ability to use her super powers for good, not destruction--and that's a kick-ass heroine anymore can admire.
USA Today bestselling author Ash Krafton writes urban fantasy for upper-YA+ audiences. At the moment, she's working on snagging another stint as the Ultimate Sinner on SiriusXM Radio's "Ozzy's Boneyard". Find out more at ashkrafton.com. Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter
Takin' It Back
Twenty-year-old Aerie works for her father's magical supply shop, but itÃs a job she hates: sheÃs the repo man. SheÃd much rather be the storeÃs new Aquisitioner but Dad says itÃs a job for someone who finds things, not loses them. Totally unfair, since the only thing she ever really lost was some crummy old book when she was a kid. Even more unfair is that heÃs considering her worst enemy for the job. When she finds a file on a mysterious amulet, she sees the perfect opportunity to prove her worth to her dadóand takes off after it.
Collateral recovery is a nasty business. What makes repossession even nastier is when the collateral possesses you. Sure, demonic possession comes in handy when getting out of speeding tickets or facing off with oneÃs nemesis, but no one flirts with damnation without being tainted. And if that doesn't suck enough, it turns out the spirit in the amulet belongs to your mother. Your nagging, dissatisfied, know-it-all, thank-God-sheÃs-gone mother.
And wait, it gets better. She wants your fatheróthe only family you have leftódead.
There's gonna be one Hell of a family reunion.
My mum, who's can survive anything the world throws at her, and still keep powering on.
Bec McMaster grew up on a steady diet of '80's fantasy movies, and loves creating epic fantasy-based worlds with sexy heroes. Find out more at becmcmaster.com. Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter
Nobody's Hero
First rule of surviving the Wastelands: don't get caught outside after the sun sets...
After her father was killed in a warg attack, Riley Kincaid was forced to stand on her own two feet in the brutal Wastelands she calls home. She knows how to survive, but when a lapse in judgment leaves her out after dark, Riley realizes she's in trouble. The sun has set, the monsters are out to play, and there's a band of reivers heading straight for her settlement. Riley needs to warn her people, but that's before she runs a handsome stranger down in her jeep. A stranger who might not be a man after all...
Kidnapping her was the worst mistake he ever made.
Dangerous outlaw, Lucius Wade, lives only for revenge. But when he kidnaps Riley in order to lure an old friend into a trap, suddenly the tables are turned. Riley has no intentions of being bait, and she tempts him in ways he hasn't felt for a long time. He's never played the hero, but suddenly a part of him wants to.
When dangerous secrets are revealed, and Luc realizes an old enemy is on his trail, he's forced to change his plans. The hunter is suddenly the hunted, and the only allies he has... is a stubborn blonde who thinks there should be more to live for than revenge, and the ex-friend who shoved a knife in his back ten years ago.
The most badass woman I know is my longtime friend, Jennifer. When diagnosed with cancer, she was so brave. She tackled cancer like she approaches any setback in life - she dominated it and made it her bitch. Thankfully, she has been cancer-free for a few years, and she continues to inspire me. I want to be like her when I grow up!
Carly Fall is an award-winning author, wife, mother and slave to the dog, Nicky. Find out more about her at www.carlyfall.com. Facebook | Newsletter
A Witch's Revenge
When the lives of Henrietta's family and friends are in peril, she must take matters into her own hands and battle one of the most powerful warlocks ever known.
Can she find the strength in her own powers as a witch and destroy him before he kills her and everyone she's ever cared about?
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