Reader’s Edyn

I always felt like I could do something more than just read. Finally, I have found both a creative outlet and a chance to do something meaningful with my reading. This blog was created in appreciation of and tribute to all of the authors who have brought me joy through their books. These reviews are my way of giving back to authors and providing recognition for the hard work that each one completes every day!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Blitz: Hard Truth (Alpha Antihero #4) by Sybil Bartel + GIVEAWAY

**Hard Truth by Sybil Bartel**

Good Morning, Everyone! So thrilled to see you all today! Today we are welcoming back Ms. Bartel. I featured the cover reveal for this book a while ago! Today Ms. Bartel is here to tell us more about her latest release because it is NOW available! Please allow me to once again feature on the blog Sybil Bartel and her latest release, HARD TRUTH …. Plus a GIVEAWAY!



Sybil Bartel grew up in Northern California with her head in a book and her feet in the sand. She dreamt of becoming a painter but the heady scent of libraries with their shelves full of books drew her into the world of storytelling. She loves the New Adult genre, but any story about a love so desperately wrong and impossibly beautiful makes her swoon.

Sybil now resides in Southern Florida and while she doesn’t get to read as much as she likes, she still buries her toes in the sand. If she isn’t writing or fighting to contain the banana plantation in her backyard, you can find her spending time with her handsomely tattooed husband, her brilliantly practical son and a mischievous miniature boxer…
But Seriously?
Here are ten things you probably really want to know about Sybil.
She grew up a faculty brat. She can swear like a sailor. She loves men in uniform. She hates being told what to do. She can do your taxes (but don’t ask). The Bird Market in Hong Kong freaks her out. Her favorite word is desperate…or dirty, or both—she can’t decide. She has a thing for muscle cars. But never reply on her for driving directions, ever. And she has a new book boyfriend every week—don’t tell her husband.

To find out more about Ms. Bartel, please visit:




Publication date: May 18th, 2020
Publisher: Alpha Antihero #4
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


I couldn’t escape the hard sins of my past.

I couldn’t unsee the truths in my mistakes.

Every breath she took was a reminder of the pain I’d caused.

Growing up at the mercy of a madman, I swore I would never give anyone that kind of power over me again. But here I was, on my knees, begging for a life I lost.

Except no amount of forgiveness would bring it back.

*HARD TRUTH is the fourth book in the Alpha Antihero Series, and it is not a standalone story.
The Alpha Antihero Series:


The asshole surfer pulled up to Talerco’s a goddamn hour and a half after the surf shop closed.
Unlike me, he entered a code on the keypad by the gate and the arms swung open. He pulled his truck through and turned it around in the driveway before stopping.

It was dark as shit, but I still stood in the shadows.

The passenger door opened and she got out. “Thanks for the rides. And dinner,” she added like she was embarrassed.

I couldn’t hear the prick’s response, but I wanted to kill him.

“Yeah, okay. Thanks.” She shut the door and headed toward the house.

The asshole surfer didn’t even wait to see if she got inside. The security gate was closing behind him before my woman had even made it to the front door.

Walking like shit hurt, she pulled a key out of her small-as-fuck shorts pocket and aimed for the lock.

I stepped out of the shadows. “You went to dinner with that asshole?”

Jumping a foot and shrieking, she dropped the keys and clutched at her chest. “What the hell, Tarquin? Don’t do that!”

“Do what?” I seethed. “Ask if you went on a fucking date?”



Her shoulders rose with an inhale, and she turned around. Her eyes met mine. “Please stop.”

Fuck. “Stop what?”

“Don’t do this.” She shook her head. “Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. I don’t want you to change. I never did. I don’t need you to be anyone but who you are. If that’s an angry biker with a street name, so be it. But please, just…” Her hand waved toward the stove. “Don’t do that. The man I dragged outta the swamp, he didn’t make tea.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “He never would’ve done that.”

She was right.

Lost inside my own damn house, hell, my fucking life, I laid it all out for her. “Everything I did, I did for you.”

Her gaze cut to the floor. “I thought I was doin’ the same.”

“He played us both.”

“I know.”

The waves crashed outside, the water on the stove boiled, and the air conditioner kicked on. We stood there. She stared at her damn feet. I stared at her.

“I don’t know what else to say to you,” I admitted.

“The Tarquin I knew wouldn’t have done that either. He wouldn’t have said that.”

I dared to fucking ask. “What would he have said?”

“Nothin’.” She looked up at me. “He didn’t waste words.”

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Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)

$50 Amazon Gift Card

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Thanks so much for joining us today!

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